At Doxey we want all children to leave school with a substantive and disciplinary knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past, present and that of the wider world. Our wish is to inspire curiosity and encourage the children to be aspirational and have the ambition and self-belief that they can succeed like the History Greats. Through History, we aim for children at Doxey to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change and to understand their place in the world, and in the long story of human development.
Our curriculum aims as stated by the National Curriculum are to ensure all pupils;
· Know and understand the history of these islands chronologically.
· How people’s lives have shaped this nation.
· How Britain has influenced and has been influenced by the wider world.
· Know and understand the nature of ancient civilisations.
· Have an understanding of abstract terms such as empire, civilisation, parliament and peasantry.
· Understand the historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance.
· Understand the methods of historical enquiry.
· Gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts.
Our History curriculum is designed so that personal development is an intrinsic part. We strive to give pupils the cultural knowledge and make academic progress in order to thrive in society. For example they are exposed to important figures from the past and are encouraged to display some of their values such as resilience, kindness and integrity.
Links to Personal Development
History plays a crucial role in children's personal development by helping them understand the past, make sense of the present, and shape a vision for the future. It provides a foundation for critical thinking, empathy, and a sense of identity.
History exposes children to diverse experiences, cultures, and viewpoints from different periods and places. By learning about the lives of others, children develop empathy, as they see the struggles, triumphs, and emotions of people in the past. They also develop the ability to take different perspectives, understanding why people acted the way they did in specific historical contexts and they begin to develop an appreciation for diverse experiences. This ability to understand and connect with others' experiences builds emotional intelligence and improves relationships in their personal lives helping them to live in the wider world.
History helps children understand the connections between people, places, and events across the globe. Through studying world history, they gain insight into global challenges, such as conflict, and migration, and their lasting impacts as well as developing a sense of responsibility as global citizens, understanding their role in contributing to a better future. This global perspective fosters a sense of belonging to a larger world community and inspires active participation in addressing current issues.
By studying the history of various cultures, civilizations, and movements, children develop a respect for diversity and encourages children to build inclusive communities. They gain an appreciation for cultural diversity and the richness of human experience.
Studying history also helps children gain an understanding of how different societies have contributed to knowledge, art, science, and technology building a child’s cultural capital.