Online Safety
There is so much to enjoy online and so much to discover. Learning how to stay safe online in school and at home is an important part of using the internet and devices. Learning to stay safe is about learning to make careful decisions and knowing what to do if something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.
How does school keep us safe on the laptops and ipads that we use?
We teach you how to stay safe as part of our computing lessons. Every time we log on we remind you how to stay safe.
We use a special system in school, which records screen and keyboard shots of any words and phrases that may be worrying. We keep an eye on these in school to help everyone to stay happy and safe. For example, it means that if someone is searching for something online that could be upsetting, then school will know straight away that a search has taken place.
School has special systems in place to help you to search safely and filter out sites that are not suitable for you.
If there is anything online which is worrying you, there are lots of adults you can talk to at school. You can speak to your class teacher or teaching assistant. You could find Mrs Kanwal at lunchtime or you could ask your parent/carer to come and speak to us.
Below are a list of websites you can use to find support and report online abuse.