Safeguarding information
At Doxey Academy safeguarding our children and adults is given the highest priority, we are committed to ensuring that our children are intrinsically driven to make the right choices and this includes keeping themselves and others safe. We have three rules:
Be ready
Be respectful
Be safe
We want our children to build secure, safe relationships with those around them both in reality and virtually so that they can make a positive contribution to society and be equipped with the skills to manage their own well-being and emotions.
Training in safeguarding is delivered to all members of staff on a regular basis and the school has a clear culture of safeguarding being everyone’s responsibility. All staff, including governors, are expected to have read and understood the latest edition of Keeping Children Safe in Education, the statutory guidance from the DfE which sets out the legal duties that govern all schools and colleges.
In school there are three members of staff for whom safeguarding is a particular responsibility;
- Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Laura Lazenby
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Claire Jones
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Allyson Sinclair
- Our governor with responsibility for safeguarding: Mrs Chris Adam.
We have a number of policies which outline our processes and procedures in more detail, these can be found in the policy section of the website.
If you have any concerns about a child you can contact any member of the safeguarding team through the school office, 01785450120 email or by speaking to them on the playground.
Any member of the public can contact Staffordshire Children’s Advice Service on 0800 111 8007
Further information can be found on the SSCB website:
If you believe a child is at risk of immediate harm then please contact the police on 999 or 101